Why was the Declaration of Independance important? Select all that apply.

>it set up the U.S government

>it explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality****

>it announced that American colonies were separate from great britian

>it gave Americans the right to vote for leaders****

Are these correct??


One of your answers is dead wrong.

Which one??

Please read the Declaration of Independence. This is a vital document for all Americans.

Oh, is it B that was wrong.. because i know that people couldn't vote until the declaration of independance .

Lexi/Kate ~

I doubt you read the Declaration of Independence in the 4 minutes between Ms. Sue's and your last posts.

Read it carefully.

Study it.

Then let us know what you decide.

Its B And C

its true I got a 100 its b and c

what are the answers to the rest?

1. b,c

2. d
3. d

billy is right

wait is billy really right?

Okay billy is right its:


If I see anyone using this site I will dock your grade down even though this is a practice, don't use this site.

No he is fully right for number 1 it is not C

I mean not fully right



Its True I Got A 4/4 On It Using These

thx billy

They right and screw you, Patrick Ferrie.

Guys as a reminder please do not fight on this site. This site isn't for cheating. It's for studying or checking your answers or on another hand, having a study group. So please do read the lessons and do not cheat on here. Fighting isn't expectable here whatsoever. If there is anymore fighting I will close down the page. Have a nice day students.