A powerful motorcycle can accelerate from rest to 28m/s in only 4 second . a.what is its average acceleration? b.how far does it travel in that time

Vi = 0 m/s

Vf = 28 m/s
Δt = 4s

Average Acceleration = Vf - Vi / Δt
= 7 m/s^2

d=vi*t + 1/2*a*t^2
= 1/2(7*16)
= 56m

Bhai hope to see you soon as possible to get a chance to

It is very bad answer

To calculate the average acceleration of the motorcycle, you'll need to use the formula:

Average acceleration = (change in velocity) / (time taken)

a. To find the change in velocity, subtract the initial velocity from the final velocity:

Change in velocity = Final velocity - Initial velocity
= 28 m/s - 0 m/s
= 28 m/s

Now, calculate the average acceleration:

Average acceleration = (change in velocity) / (time taken)
= 28 m/s / 4 s
= 7 m/s²

So, the motorcycle's average acceleration is 7 m/s².

b. To determine the distance traveled by the motorcycle in that time, you can use another formula:

Distance = (initial velocity × time) + (0.5 × acceleration × time²)

Since the motorcycle starts from rest (initial velocity = 0), the formula can be simplified to:

Distance = 0.5 × acceleration × time²

Now, substitute the values:

Distance = 0.5 × 7 m/s² × (4 s)²
= 0.5 × 7 m/s² × 16 s²
= 0.5 × 7 m/s² × 256
= 896 m

Therefore, the motorcycle travels a distance of 896 meters in that time.