which of the following was a belief of the quakers that set them apart from ither religious groups that settled in the american colonies?

A. Quakers believed that all people are equal in God's eyes
B. Quakers believed in freedom of religion
C. Quakers believed that others should join their religion
D. Quakers believed they could find religious freedom in the colonies

What is your answer?


Yes, A.

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You're welcome.

Awww so cute

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The answer is; A

To determine which of the options was a belief of the Quakers that set them apart from other religious groups that settled in the American colonies, we need to analyze each option individually.

A. Quakers believed that all people are equal in God's eyes: This belief was indeed held by the Quakers. They believed in the equality of all individuals and rejected social hierarchies.

B. Quakers believed in freedom of religion: This belief was also characteristic of the Quakers. They supported the idea that individuals should have the freedom to practice their own religion without facing persecution or discrimination.

C. Quakers believed that others should join their religion: This option is not accurate. While the Quakers were open to converting others to their religious beliefs, it was not a fundamental belief that set them apart from other religious groups. Many other religious groups also sought converts.

D. Quakers believed they could find religious freedom in the colonies: While it is true that the Quakers sought religious freedom, this belief was not unique to them. Many other religious groups also came to the American colonies seeking religious freedom.

Based on the analysis, the belief of the Quakers that set them apart from other religious groups was A. Quakers believed that all people are equal in God's eyes, as this belief was central to their religious doctrine and distinguished them from other groups that did not emphasize equality to the same extent.