The perimeter of the parallelogram is 102 feet. Find m. Write your answer as a decimal or mixed number.

The sides of the parallelagram are 3 and 3m

(2 * 3) + (2 * 3m) = 102

6 + 6m = 102

6m = 96

m = 16

that was actually wrong. I took what you did but I realized you did

(2*3)+(2*3m)=102 instead of


m = 16

One long side is 3m = 3 * 16 = 48

2 * 3 * 16 = 96

2 * 3 = 6

96 + 6 = 103

Madelyn -- the problem states "The sides of the parallelagram are 3 and 3m."

I entered 12.75 and it showed as right

You must have posted the problem incorrectly.

Madeline was actually right because I had the same math problem, but she posted the wrong question. The actual question was The perimeter of the parallelogram is 102 feet. Find m. Write your answer as a decimal or mixed number.

The sides of the parallelagram are m and 3m

Yeah, Madeline over here is correct. Ms. Sue is incorrect this time




If a parallelogram is 102 feet. And the length is 3m. What will the length m be?


Wrong guys. it aint 16

its 12.75

Ms.Sue your wrong Madeline was right your wrong I thought you were a teacher

Madeline is correct the answer is m=12.75ft

sue is getting salty it is 12.75

yalll are wrong

THE ANSWER IS 12.75!!!!!!!

12.75 is the answer and Madeline is right. Get rekt Ms. Sue is so wrong

its 12.75 Ms. sue i wasted a freaking check answer because of you

Y'all really argued over a damn math problem JUST GIVE ME THE CORRECT ANSWER

Ms. sue more like Ms. song

the Anwser: is 12.75

Ms sue more like get sued liar

it's 12.75

its 12.75, just Madeline posted it wrong

the sides are m and 3m

I dont even know how you even got the answer