Which of the following is a characteristic of Earth's first people?

A. They lived in cold places
B. They lives far from water sources
C. They lived on the Asian continent
D. They moved around in search of food**

How do people in northern Chad adapt to the lack of arable land in the region?

A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases**
B. They live in permanent dwellings
C. They mostly live in north, where the arable land is
D. They do not farm at all

Both are right.

Ms. Sue is right, thank you.

Dude, thank you so much are you a friend nnexus student?

Connexus student?

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

For the first question:
A. They lived in cold places: This is not a characteristic of Earth's first people. Early humans are believed to have evolved in warm climates.
B. They lived far from water sources: This is also unlikely since early humans would have needed access to water for survival.
C. They lived on the Asian continent: This is a possibility since early human fossils have been found in Asia. However, it is not a characteristic specific to Earth's first people.
D. They moved around in search of food: This is the most accurate characteristic of Earth's first people. Nomadic hunter-gatherer societies moved from place to place in search of food.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. They moved around in search of food.

For the second question:
A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases: This is a possible adaptation to the lack of arable land in the region. Nomadic lifestyles and utilizing oasis resources can compensate for the lack of fertile soil.
B. They live in permanent dwellings: This is unlikely since the lack of arable land would make it challenging to sustain permanent settlements.
C. They mostly live in north, where the arable land is: This is a possible adaptation if there is arable land available in the north.
D. They do not farm at all: This is also possible since farming might not be feasible without arable land.

Based on the given options, the most suitable answer is A. They are nomads that raise camels and crops in oases, as it demonstrates an adaptation to the lack of arable land in the region.