6. What is the only official role of the vice president?

A. Lead the national committee on the president's party.
B. Organize presidential commissions.
C. Preside over the Senate.
D. Vote in case of a tie in the Supreme Court.

7. What best describes a faithless elector?

A. An elector who cheated to become an elector.
B. An elector who fails to vote.
C. An elector who votes for a non-christian.
D. An elector who does not vote for the person who won the state's popular vote.

8. Who counts the Electoral College vote?

A. House of Representatives.
B. Senate.
C. State Legislatures.
D. Supreme Court.

9. Which is constitutional qualification to be a president?

A. College educated.
B. Experience in another political field.
C. Military Experience.
D. Natural-born citizen of the United States.

10. Which president broke the two-term tradition by running for a third term in 1940?

A. Dwight Eisenhower.
B. Herbert Hoover.
C. Franklin Roosevelt.
D. Harry Truman.

My Answers:
6. B.
7. A.
8. D.
9. A.
10. C.

It looks as if you need to go back to your text and read, read, read -- maybe as many as five times. Then try again.

Be careful, though. We'll check only two answers per question. After that, you're on your own.

6. A.

7. D.
8. A.
9. B.
10. C.

6. Incorrect. The correct answer is C. Preside over the Senate. Although the vice president may also have other responsibilities, such as leading committees or organizing commissions, their only official role as defined by the Constitution is to preside over the Senate and cast a tie-breaking vote if necessary.

7. Incorrect. The correct answer is D. An elector who does not vote for the person who won the state's popular vote. A faithless elector is someone who goes against the popular vote of their state and casts their electoral college vote for someone else.

8. Incorrect. The correct answer is A. House of Representatives. The Electoral College vote is counted by the joint session of Congress, with the House of Representatives playing a key role. The Senate doesn't count the vote on its own.

9. Incorrect. The correct answer is D. Natural-born citizen of the United States. The Constitution states that one of the qualifications to be president is being a natural-born citizen, meaning you were born a U.S. citizen, either through birth on U.S. soil or through citizenship at birth.

10. Incorrect. The correct answer is C. Franklin Roosevelt. Despite the two-term tradition established by George Washington, Franklin Roosevelt ran for and was elected to a third and fourth term as president in 1940 and 1944, respectively. This tradition was later solidified into law with the 22nd Amendment, limiting presidents to two terms.

Here are the correct answers:

6. C. Preside over the Senate.
7. D. An elector who does not vote for the person who won the state's popular vote.
8. A. House of Representatives.
9. D. Natural-born citizen of the United States.
10. C. Franklin Roosevelt.

To find the answers to these questions, you can refer to reliable sources such as government websites, civics textbooks, or reputable educational websites. Let's go through each question and explain how to find the answer.

6. What is the only official role of the vice president?
You can find the answer to this question by referring to the United States Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 3, which states that the Vice President shall be the President of the Senate. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Preside over the Senate.

7. What best describes a faithless elector?
To understand what a faithless elector is, you can refer to the United States Electoral College system. A faithless elector refers to an elector who does not vote for the person who won the state's popular vote. So, the correct answer is D. An elector who does not vote for the person who won the state's popular vote.

8. Who counts the Electoral College vote?
To find the answer to this question, you can refer to the United States Electoral College process. The Electoral College vote is counted in a joint session of Congress that is presided over by the Vice President. Therefore, the correct answer is A. House of Representatives.

9. Which is a constitutional qualification to be a president?
The Constitution outlines the qualifications to be eligible for the office of the President of the United States. According to Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, one of the qualifications is to be a natural-born citizen of the United States. Hence, the correct answer is D. Natural-born citizen of the United States.

10. Which president broke the two-term tradition by running for a third term in 1940?
To find the answer to this question, you need to refer to the historical facts regarding the presidency. In 1940, Franklin D. Roosevelt ran for a third term and won, breaking the tradition of serving only two terms. Thus, the correct answer is C. Franklin Roosevelt.