Which of the following contains a noun clause?

A. Louis did not know Jocie could not swim.
B. Since last August we have not seen a drop of rain.<<<
C. Raccoons, commonly considered a pest, are very intelligent animals.
D. The book that Finn is reading is borrowed from the local library.


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To identify which of the following options contains a noun clause, we need to understand what a noun clause is. A noun clause is a clause that functions as a noun within a sentence. It typically serves as the subject or object of the verb.

Now, let's analyze each option to determine if it contains a noun clause:

A. "Louis did not know Jocie could not swim." - This sentence does not contain a noun clause. It consists of two independent clauses: "Louis did not know" and "Jocie could not swim."

B. "Since last August we have not seen a drop of rain." - This sentence contains a noun clause. The noun clause is "a drop of rain," which serves as the direct object of "seen."

C. "Raccoons, commonly considered a pest, are very intelligent animals." - This sentence does not contain a noun clause. It consists of a main clause ("Raccoons are very intelligent animals") and a participial phrase ("commonly considered a pest").

D. "The book that Finn is reading is borrowed from the local library." - This sentence does not contain a noun clause. It consists of a main clause ("The book is borrowed from the local library") and a relative clause ("that Finn is reading").

Therefore, the correct answer is B. "Since last August we have not seen a drop of rain." It contains the noun clause "a drop of rain."