–2v – 7 = –23 (1 point)

2. start fraction x over 3 end fraction – 10 = –12 (1 point)
3. start fraction x over 5 end fraction + 6 = 10 (1 point)
4. 3(4 – 2x) = –2x (1 point)
5. 2.9n + 1.7 = 3.5 + 2.3n (1 point)
For questions 6–7, simplify the expression.
6. –9 – 6(w + 5) (1 point)
–15w + 5
–15w + 30*****
–6w – 39
–6w + 21
7. 2x + 3(x – 2) – 3(x – 6) (1 point)
2x + 12
2x – 8******
8x – 24
2x – 24
For questions 8–10, solve the inequality.
8. p + 4 < –24 (1 point)
p < –20
p < 28
p < –28
p < 20****
9. start fraction r over 15 end fraction ≥ –3 (1 point)
r ≥ –45
r ≥ –15*****
r ≥ 12
r ≥ 45
10. –3p > –48 (1 point)
p < 16
p > –51
p < –16*********
p > 16
11. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points left and has a solid endpoint at 1.

(1 point)
3x + 1 > 4
3x + 1 ≥ 4
3x + 1 < 4******
3x + 1 ≤ 4
12. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points right and has an open circle endpoint at 2.

(1 point)
6w + 6 > 18
6w + 6 ≥ 18
6w – 6 > 18
–6w + 6 > 14******
For questions 13–14, write and solve an equation.
13. You went to lunch with your friend, and the bill was $19.00. Your lunch is $3.00 more than your friend’s. How much was your friend’s lunch? (1 point)
f + 3 = 19; $8.00
3f + 2 = 19; $8.00**********
2f + 3 = 19; $8.00
2f – 3 = 19; $8.00
14. Jason weighs 36 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh four pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Jason’s sister? (1 point)
36 + w = 3w; 18 pounds
36 + w – 4 = 3w; 19 pounds
36 + w = 3w + 4; 16 pounds
36 + w = 3w – 4; 20 pounds***
15. Paula sold 35 packages of wrapping paper for this year’s Booster Club fundraiser. This is one less than twice the number of packages that she sold last year. How many packages did Paula sell last year? (1 point)
17 packages******
16 packages
20 packages
18 packages
For question 16–18, write and solve an inequality.
16. An airline requires carry-on luggage to weigh at most 40 pounds. Your suitcase currently weighs 10 pounds. How many pounds p are available for you to fill your suitcase with other items? (1 point)
p – 10 ≤ 40; p ≤ 50
40 – p < 10; p < 30******
p + 10 ≥ 40; p ≥ 30
10 + p ≤ 40; p ≤ 30
17. Atlanta, Georgia, receives an average of 27 inches of precipitation per year, and there has been 9 inches so far this year. How many more inches, p, of precipitation can Atlanta get and to stay at or below the average? (1 point)
p + 9 > 27; p > 18
9 + p ≥ 27; p ≥ 18*********
p + 9 < 27; p < 18
9 + p ≤ 27; p ≤ 18
18. Levi earns $6.25 per hour working after school. He needs at least $143.75 for a stereo system. How many hours h does he need to work to reach his goal? (1 point)
> 143.75; h > 23; 23 hours
6.25h ≤ 143.75; h ≤ 23; 23 hours
< 143.75; h < 23; 23 hours
6.25h ≥ 143.75; h ≥ 23; 23 hours
Julia is allowed to watch no more than 5 hours of television a week. So far this week, she has watched 1.5 hours. Write and solve an inequality to show how many hours of television Julia can still watch this week.
(3 points)

Select attachment Choose Fileor drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit
20. You are a member of your local movie theater’s club. Every time you see a movie at the theater, you earn 2 advantage points. When you earn 100 points, you get a free movie pass. Currently, you have 40 advantage points.
Write an equation to model the number of movies m you have to watch before you earn a free movie pass.
Solve the equation. Show your work.
(4 points)

Select attachment Choose Fileor drag and drop a file into this area - 20 MB limit
21. Write an equation with a variable on both sides of the equal sign that has infinitely many solutions. Solve the equation and explain why it has an infinite number of solutions. (3 points)

10.A and B

(11 and up I NEED HELP ALOT)

"start fraction x over 3 end fraction" is more easily written "x/3."

1. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

2. x/3 - 10 = -12
x/3 = -2
x = -6

Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

3. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

4. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

5. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

6. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

7. Letter answer conflicts with asterisks.

8. Correct

9. Wrong

10. both wrong, negative times/divided by a negative = a positive.

11+ No graph

Are you just guessing?

can any one give a straight answer

Sure, I can help you with questions 11 and beyond. Here are the answers:

11. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points left and has a solid endpoint at 1.
Answer: 3x + 1 < 4

12. Which inequality matches the graph?
A ray is graphed on a number line. The ray points right and has an open circle endpoint at 2.
Answer: –6w + 6 > 14

13. You went to lunch with your friend, and the bill was $19.00. Your lunch is $3.00 more than your friend’s. How much was your friend’s lunch?
Answer: f + 3 = 19; $8.00

14. Jason weighs 36 pounds. Together, he and his sister weigh four pounds more than three times the weight of his sister. What is the weight, w, of Jason’s sister?
Answer: 36 + w = 3w – 4; 20 pounds

15. Paula sold 35 packages of wrapping paper for this year’s Booster Club fundraiser. This is one less than twice the number of packages that she sold last year. How many packages did Paula sell last year?
Answer: 2x - 1 = 35 ; x = 18 packages

16. An airline requires carry-on luggage to weigh at most 40 pounds. Your suitcase currently weighs 10 pounds. How many pounds p are available for you to fill your suitcase with other items?
Answer: p + 10 ≤ 40; p ≤ 30

17. Atlanta, Georgia, receives an average of 27 inches of precipitation per year, and there has been 9 inches so far this year. How many more inches, p, of precipitation can Atlanta get and to stay at or below the average?
Answer: 9 + p ≤ 27; p ≤ 18

18. Levi earns $6.25 per hour working after school. He needs at least $143.75 for a stereo system. How many hours h does he need to work to reach his goal?
Answer: 6.25h ≥ 143.75; h ≥ 23; 23 hours

19. Julia is allowed to watch no more than 5 hours of television a week. So far this week, she has watched 1.5 hours. Write and solve an inequality to show how many hours of television Julia can still watch this week.
Answer: Let x be the number of hours Julia can still watch.
1.5 + x ≤ 5
Solving for x:
x ≤ 5 - 1.5
x ≤ 3.5
Julia can still watch up to 3.5 hours of television this week.

20. You are a member of your local movie theater’s club. Every time you see a movie at the theater, you earn 2 advantage points. When you earn 100 points, you get a free movie pass. Currently, you have 40 advantage points. Write an equation to model the number of movies m you have to watch before you earn a free movie pass. Solve the equation. Show your work.
Let m be the number of movies you have to watch.
2m = 100
Solving for m:
m = 100/2
m = 50
You have to watch 50 movies before you earn a free movie pass.

21. Write an equation with a variable on both sides of the equal sign that has infinitely many solutions. Solve the equation and explain why it has an infinite number of solutions.
Example of an equation with infinitely many solutions: x + 3 = x + 7
Explanation: When you simplify the equation, the variable cancels out from both sides, resulting in 3 = 7, which is not true. Since the equation is always false, it has infinitely many solutions.

To solve the given equations, we'll go through each one and explain the steps to find the correct answer.

1. -2v - 7 = -23:
To find the value of v, we want to isolate it on one side of the equation. The first step is to move the constant term -7 to the right side. We can do this by adding 7 to both sides of the equation:
-2v = -23 + 7
-2v = -16
Next, to find v, we divide both sides of the equation by -2:
v = -16/-2
v = 8
The answer is 8.

2. (x/3) - 10 = -12:
To solve for x, we want to isolate the variable x. The first step is to move the constant term -10 to the right side by adding 10 to both sides:
(x/3) = -12 + 10
(x/3) = -2
Next, we multiply both sides of the equation by 3 to eliminate the fraction:
3 * (x/3) = 3 * (-2)
x = -6
The answer is -6.

3. (x/5) + 6 = 10:
To solve for x, we want to isolate the variable x. The first step is to move the constant term 6 to the right side by subtracting 6 from both sides:
(x/5) = 10 - 6
(x/5) = 4
Next, we multiply both sides of the equation by 5 to eliminate the fraction:
5 * (x/5) = 5 * 4
x = 20
The answer is 20.

4. 3(4 - 2x) = -2x:
To solve for x, we need to simplify the equation first. Distribute the 3 to both terms inside the parentheses:
12 - 6x = -2x
Next, move the terms with x to one side by adding 6x to both sides:
12 = -2x + 6x
12 = 4x
Finally, divide both sides by 4 to find x:
x = 12/4
x = 3
The answer is 3.

5. 2.9n + 1.7 = 3.5 + 2.3n:
To solve for n, we want to isolate the variable n. First, subtract 2.3n from both sides to eliminate the variable from one side of the equation:
2.9n - 2.3n + 1.7 = 3.5
Combine like terms on the left side:
0.6n + 1.7 = 3.5
Next, subtract 1.7 from both sides:
0.6n = 3.5 - 1.7
0.6n = 1.8
Finally, divide both sides by 0.6 to find n:
n = 1.8/0.6
n = 3
The answer is 3.

Now let's move on to the remaining questions.