A phone company uses the equation y=0.15x+10 to find y, the monthly charges for a customer sending x text messages. How many text messages are sent if the monthly charge is $77.50?


77.50 = 0.15x + 10

76.50 = 0.15x

? = x



76.50 divided by 0.15 = ?

It is 510!!!...

it's 21 (i think idk)

Can i please know the right answer

506 idk

The answer is 21 because 77.50x0.15=11.625 then you add the ten which equals 21.

To find the number of text messages sent if the monthly charge is $77.50, we can use the given equation: y = 0.15x + 10.

We already know that the monthly charge (y) is $77.50. So, we can substitute this value into the equation to solve for x.

77.50 = 0.15x + 10

To isolate x, we need to get rid of the constant term on the right side of the equation. We can do this by subtracting 10 from both sides:

77.50 - 10 = 0.15x

67.50 = 0.15x

Next, we need to isolate x, so we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.15:

67.50 / 0.15 = x

This gives us:

450 = x

Therefore, if the monthly charge is $77.50, the customer has sent 450 text messages.