1) Gene regulation in eukaryotes

a) usually involves in operons
b) is simpler than in prokaryotes
c) allows for cell specialization
d) includes the action of an operator region

i think its C can you please explain to me why it is c or why it isnt if i got it wrong? thank you.

please help me!

I believe so. :)

C is correct. All the cells of a eukaryotic organism have the same DNA, but they are allowed to specialize due to gene regulation-the turning off and on of certain functions to divide roles and tasks to cells

thank you

1. a

2. d
3. b
4. a
4.14.7 Quick Check: Regulation of Gene Expression in Eukaryotes

1. Which of these is evidence that eukaryotic genes are regulated independently instead of in units like operons?

Answer: Each gene has its own promoters and set of transcription factors.

2. What would happen if a cell transcribed and translated a gene’s intron by mistake?

Answer: Additional amino acids would be inserted into the chain.

3. In prokaryotic cells, repressor proteins bind to a section of DNA called a/an

Answer: operator.

4. The removal of sections of RNA, called introns, occur at which regulation step in eukaryotic cells?

Answer: RNA processing

5. Hox genes are regulatory genes in multicellular animals that code for transcription factors that determine the basic body plan in a developing embryo. They act as switches that turn other genes on and off. Scientists have found that a mutation in a fruit fly hox gene produces flies with legs instead of antennae sticking out of their heads. Another hox gene mutation results in fruit flies with two pairs of wings instead of one pair. Hox genes affect body plans by controlling the expression of many other genes.

Answer: The body plans of complex animals are very similar to one another.

Do note: Questions and answers will vary.

Slav is 100% correct use these answers ladies and gentlemen.

Slav is correct.

slav is 100%

Slav is 100% Thank you!

slav is still right

still right

2023 n its still right yippeeeee