What is the purpose of executive departments? (2 points) Select all that apply.

A)To advise the president
B) To create executive policies
C) To carry out executive policies
D) To create executive orders

I don't have any guesses on what the answers might be so any help would be great. Thank you.

Answers to questions like these are undoubtedly in your text. Go back and read, read, read.

To determine the purpose of executive departments in the United States government, we can break down each option:

A) To advise the president: Executive departments do indeed serve to advise the president. They provide expertise, analysis, and recommendations to the president on various matters within their respective areas of responsibility.

B) To create executive policies: While executive departments may contribute to the development of policies, the primary responsibility for creating executive policies lies with the president and their administration. Therefore, this option is not a primary purpose of executive departments.

C) To carry out executive policies: This is one of the key purposes of executive departments. Once the president establishes policies, executive departments are responsible for implementing and carrying out those policies within their areas of jurisdiction.

D) To create executive orders: While executive departments may contribute to the creation of executive orders, the power to issue them rests solely with the president. Hence, this responsibility does not fall under the primary purpose of executive departments.

Considering the explanations above, the correct options would be A) To advise the president and C) To carry out executive policies.

The purpose of executive departments is to:

A) To advise the president
C) To carry out executive policies