Martha wants to buy a new bike that costs $79, including tax. She currently has $15 saved. She began a dog walking business to earn the remaining money needed to buy the bike. She charges $5 for each dog she walks. What is the fewest number of dogs that Martha needs to walk to have enough money to buy the bike?

Help Me Please

(79 - 15) / 5 = ________ dogs

Remember, she can't walk a fraction of a dog.

So the answer is 64/5=12.8 so basically it would be 12 or 13

Which is it? 12 or 13? Only one of these answers is correct.

Its fewest which is 12

But 12 * 5 is 60. That isn't enough.

Do 12*5+15=75.

Yes. But the bike costs $79.

She needs $64.