Create an engaging image depicting an event organizer in action. The scene should be descriptive, with a focus on a middle-aged Caucasian woman who is meticulously crafting a large-scale event. Imagine her amidst diverse props related to event organization, such as a blueprint of a venue layout, a calendar filled with schedules, or even actively instructing volunteers. Please refrain from including text in the image.

3. Which of the following is the best revision for strong verbs in the sentence below?

Mrs. Benoit is the events organizer for a nonprofit organization.
a. Mrs. Benoit does events for a nonprofit organization.
b. Mrs. Benoit organizes events for a nonprofit organization.
c. Mrs. Benoit is the one who creates events for a nonprofit organization.
d. Mrs. Benoit turns out to be the events organizer for a nonprofit organization.

I am going between b and d.....but I'm not entirely sure...Can someone please help me and also explain why that answer is correct!?!?!? PLEASE!!

D is very wordy. Go for the concise!

Thank you so much! :)

You're welcome.

his emotional breakdown and tears after telling what happened

Van der Vyver in not s typical south african farmer....
mrs. benoit organizes events for a non profit organization

Its b

dd and boo are right. The answer to "Which of the following is the best revision for strong verbs in the sentence below?" is (b): Mrs. Benoit organizes events for a non-profit organization.

1-D a white person os a victim of apartheid

2-A heartlessly
3-B mrs Benoit organizes events for a nonprofit organization

1. In "The Moment Before the Gun Went Off," the most ironic thing about Van der Vyver's reaction to the death of the young black boy is...

his emotional breakdown and tears after telling what happened
2. Which of the following sentences best explains the irony implied by this sentence?
Van der Vyver is not a typical South African farmer; he feels remorse and takes responsibility for the accident
3. At the end of "The Moment Before the Gun Went Off," the author reveals the surprising truth about the young black boy's percentage. What type of irony does this represent?
4.The young black callously shot through the negligence of the white man was not the farmer's boy; he was his son.
heartlessly or unfeelingly
5. Over-using to be verbs can weaken a sentence.
6. Which of the following is the best revision for strong verbs in the sentence below?
Mrs. Benoit is the events organizer for a nonprofit organization.
Mrs. Benoit organizes events for a nonprofit organization.

The best revision for strong verbs in the given sentence is option b: "Mrs. Benoit organizes events for a nonprofit organization."

To determine the best revision for the sentence, let's analyze the options provided:

a. "Mrs. Benoit does events for a nonprofit organization."
This option uses a weak verb ("does") instead of a strong verb, which is less precise and less effective.

b. "Mrs. Benoit organizes events for a nonprofit organization."
This option uses the strong verb "organizes," which is a clear and specific action verb. It accurately describes Mrs. Benoit's role as an events organizer.

c. "Mrs. Benoit is the one who creates events for a nonprofit organization."
This option introduces a new verb, "creates," which is not mentioned in the original sentence. The original sentence does not suggest that Mrs. Benoit specifically creates events, but rather organizes them.

d. "Mrs. Benoit turns out to be the events organizer for a nonprofit organization."
This option uses the phrase "turns out to be," which suggests surprise or discovery. However, the original sentence does not imply any surprise or reveal about Mrs. Benoit's role. Additionally, using "turns out to be" detracts from the clarity and directness of the sentence.

Therefore, option b is the best revision, as it maintains the clarity and effectiveness of the original sentence by using the strong verb "organizes" to accurately describe Mrs. Benoit's role.