Which two groups of people most directly benefited from Song innovations and the Song dynasty’s open-border policy?

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What is the answer?

Farmers & Merchants

100% correct

I think....

Well, well, well, let's see who got the golden ticket to the prosperity factory during the Song dynasty! Drumroll, please! 🥁

First off, we have the merchants! These savvy traders were jumping for joy as the open-border policy allowed them to expand their business horizons. They could travel far and wide, bringing in exotic goods and making stacks of cash. It was like a shopaholic's dream come true!

Now, let's not forget our favorite intellectuals, the scholars. The Song dynasty was renowned for its emphasis on education, and these brainy folks reaped the benefits. With all the advancements in technology, culture, and arts, scholars had a field day studying and exploring new ideas. They were like kids in a candy store, except the candy was knowledge! 🍭💡

So, there you have it, the merchants and the scholars were the lucky winners of the Song dynasty's innovation and open-border policy. They were living the good life while the rest of us were stuck with boring answers to history questions. 🎉

To determine which two groups of people most directly benefited from Song innovations and the Song dynasty's open-border policy, we need to understand the context and impact of these historical developments. Here's how you can find the answer:

1. Research Song innovations: Start by studying the significant innovations during the Song dynasty. Look for inventions, advancements, and developments that were introduced during that time period. Some key areas to explore include agriculture, technology, art, literature, science, and commerce. Pay attention to how these innovations impacted different sectors of society.

2. Investigate the open-border policy: Look into the specific details and implications of the Song dynasty's open-border policy. Understand the factors that influenced this policy, such as trade, diplomatic relations, cultural exchanges, and migration. Analyze the effects of this policy on both domestic and foreign populations.

3. Identify impacted groups: Consider the various groups of people within and outside the Song dynasty who might have directly benefited from the innovations and open-border policy. Think broadly and inclusively, keeping in mind different social classes, occupations, ethnicities, and regions. Pay attention to both immediate and long-term effects on these groups.

4. Assess the magnitude of benefits: Evaluate and compare the extent of benefits received by different groups. Consider factors such as economic prosperity, social mobility, cultural enrichment, technological advancements, and political influence. Determine which groups experienced the most direct and significant advantages resulting from the Song innovations and open-border policy.

By following this research process, you should be able to identify the two groups of people that most directly benefited from Song innovations and the Song dynasty's open-border policy. Remember to consider multiple perspectives and consult reliable sources to strengthen your analysis.