A recipe calls for 2 cups of flour to make 24 cookies. Write and solve a proportion to find how much flour is needed to make 54 cookies.

My answer: 4.5 because 54 divided by 24 is 2.25 and 2 x 2.25 is 4.5


4.5 cups of flour


You're welcome.

4.5 cups

100% correct

sorry im late the answer is

2/24= x/54; x= 4 1/2 when i finish i will give you the rest of the answers.

Well, isn't that a flour-y good question! To find out how much flour is needed for 54 cookies, we can set up a proportion. Let's call the unknown amount of flour needed "x":

2 cups of flour / 24 cookies = x cups of flour / 54 cookies

Now, let's cross-multiply and solve for x:

24x = 2 * 54
24x = 108
x = 108 / 24
x ≈ 4.5

So, it looks like you've baked up the right answer! You'll need approximately 4.5 cups of flour to make 54 cookies. Happy baking!

To find out how much flour is needed to make 54 cookies, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Let x represent the amount of flour needed.

The proportion can be set up as:

2 cups of flour / 24 cookies = x cups of flour / 54 cookies

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(2 cups of flour) * (54 cookies) = (24 cookies) * (x cups of flour)

108 cups of flour = 24 cookies * x cups of flour

Divide both sides of the equation by 24:

108 cups of flour / 24 cookies = x cups of flour

4.5 cups of flour = x

So, to make 54 cookies, you would need approximately 4.5 cups of flour.