Please help me with government

1. The 10th amendment to the Constitution reads as follows:
" The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."
According to the 10th amendment which powers to the state have? select all that apply (I have to choose two)
A. The powers not delegated to the United States
B. The powers set out in the constitution
C. The powers not prohibited by the constitution to the states
D. The powers that the people want
2. Why did John C. Calhoun believe that nullification of federal law should be a power held by state?
A. Because this Constitution does not expressly give Congress the right to control states
B. Because he wanted the Civil War and was willing to push until it happened
C. Because he was against states rights in all forms
D. Because the Constitution clearly stated that nullification was justified
3. How did the earliest state constitutions differ from the majority of others created later?
A. They did not include popular support
B. They were handwritten by slaves
C. They were not based upon their colonial charters
D. They did not create a court system

I'll be glad to check your answers.

does anybody actually have the answers to this? I need a little extra help with this qc, guys. hallp me!

1. A, C

2. A
3. A


is correct raven is wrong

Jayski is right

Don't listen to jayski! Just took the Quick check and made 75%

Correct answers are--


Just as Raven said 100%


Is 100% correct

No one

100% for connexus as of december 2021!

1) A, C: the powers not delegated to the united states, the powers not prohibited by the constitution of the states
2) A: because the constitution does not expressly give congress the right to control states
3) A: they did not include popular support

ryder, no one, and saylor are right just took it its

I got 100%✌👍

1. A,C

2. A
3. D

Lol if your Connexus in 2022

The answers are

Last one is the popular support one