Barbara is tiling her craft room floor with square tiles. She wants 6/10 of the square tiles be red. If she uses 18 red tiles,how many square tiles will be used to cover the floor?

0.6x = 18

x = 30


My response is I don't really know so yeah sorry

Cómo estás =D


To find the total number of square tiles that Barbara will use to cover the floor, we can set up a proportion using the number of red tiles and the desired ratio.

Let's assume the total number of square tiles used is "x".
According to the given information, 6/10 of the square tiles will be red, which means that 6/10 of the total tiles will be red.
So we can set up the proportion as follows:

(6/10) = 18 / x

To solve this proportion, we can cross-multiply:

6x = 10 * 18

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 6 to solve for 'x':

x = (10 * 18) / 6
x = 30

Therefore, Barbara will use 30 square tiles to cover the craft room floor.