John bough a pizza sliced into 8 parts. 1 part was given to Jenny and one part was given to Kelly. How much does John has left?

John has 6 parts remaining of the 8 parts of the pizza. 6/8=3/4

John has 3/4 of the pizza left bruh


John initially had 8 parts of the pizza. After giving 1 part to Jenny and 1 part to Kelly, he has 8 - 1 - 1 = 6 parts of the pizza left.

To determine how much pizza John has left after giving parts to Jenny and Kelly, you need to subtract the number of parts given away from the total number of pizza slices.

In this case, John started with a pizza sliced into 8 parts. He gave 1 part to Jenny and 1 part to Kelly. Therefore, he gave away a total of 1 + 1 = 2 parts.

To find out how much pizza John has left, subtract 2 from the total number of parts, which is 8.

8 - 2 = 6

So John has 6 parts of pizza left.