What role did the Enlightenment play in the development of new economic theories during the Industrial Revolution?

a. Enlightenment ideas led to the development of capitalism, but socialist ideas were unrelated to any Enlightenment reasoning.
b. Economists believed that new theories had to be based upon Enlightenment ideas, but most rejected the idea of unregulated exchange.
c. As economists tried to understand the changes caused by the Industrial Revolution, they rejected outdated Enlightenment ides such as natural laws.
d. In an attempt to better understand the changes caused the Industrial Revolution, economists applied reason and the scientific method to develop new theories.

9. Which of the following are reasons why industrialization caused people to move from rural to urban areas? Select all that apply.
-Improvements in farming methods reduced the demand for farm workers who migrated to cities for work.****
-Rapidly decreasing population growth resulted in mass migrations of rural people to urban areas.
-Small towns located adjacent to coal mines or waterfalls grew as factories were built nearby.****
-Home-based production in villages far from population centers increased dramatically.

How were Realism and Romanticism both reactions to the Enlightenment? Select all that apply. (2 ANSWERS)
-With its encouragement of open expression of feelings, Romanticism was a reaction to the self-control and ultra-rationality of the Enlightenment.
-Romanticism fully embraced the Enlightenment values of rational thought and suppressed emotions.****
-In contrast to the Enlightenment, Romanticism glorified the superior posture of ultimate self-control.
-Realism reflected the central Enlightenment themes of rational analysis and restraint of emotion.****

I agree with your answers to 9.

I agree with one of your answers to the last question.

Ms. Sue, what would you say is the answer for the first question? "What role..."

The answer for the first question is A, according to brainly and quizlet (you can use those sites as well, but do NOT copy-and-paste answers from there. You can paraphrase the essay answers instead. Sorry I am 4 years late, but this message is to others as well.).

Good Luck to you guys!

I'm not really sure, though.

Sorry if I was wrong...

Sorry, the answer was D. Better to check your answer choices, everyone has different assessment, you know

a. Enlightenment ideas led to the development of capitalism, but socialist ideas were unrelated to any Enlightenment reasoning.

9. Reasons why industrialization caused people to move from rural to urban areas:
-Improvements in farming methods reduced the demand for farm workers who migrated to cities for work.
-Small towns located adjacent to coal mines or waterfalls grew as factories were built nearby.

How were Realism and Romanticism both reactions to the Enlightenment?
-With its encouragement of open expression of feelings, Romanticism was a reaction to the self-control and ultra-rationality of the Enlightenment.
-Realism reflected the central Enlightenment themes of rational analysis and restraint of emotion.

In regards to the Enlightenment's role in the development of new economic theories during the Industrial Revolution, the correct answer is d. In an attempt to better understand the changes caused the Industrial Revolution, economists applied reason and the scientific method to develop new theories.

The Enlightenment, which was a philosophical and intellectual movement in the 17th and 18th centuries, emphasized the use of reason and science to understand and improve the world. During the Industrial Revolution, which occurred in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, there were significant changes in technology, production, and social structures.

Economists during this time sought to understand these changes and develop theories to explain them. They applied the principles of reason and the scientific method, which were central to Enlightenment thinking, to analyze and explain the new economic realities of the Industrial Revolution.

In addition, the Enlightenment also influenced the development of capitalism, which emerged as a dominant economic system during the Industrial Revolution. The ideas of individual rights, free markets, and limited government intervention in the economy were all influenced by Enlightenment thinkers such as Adam Smith.

Regarding the reasons why industrialization caused people to move from rural to urban areas, the correct answers are:
- Improvements in farming methods reduced the demand for farm workers who migrated to cities for work.
- Small towns located adjacent to coal mines or waterfalls grew as factories were built nearby.

Industrialization brought about significant changes in agricultural practices, such as the introduction of new machinery and techniques. These improvements led to increased productivity and reduced the need for manual labor in farming. As a result, many people who were previously engaged in farming migrated to urban areas in search of work in the growing factories and industries.

Additionally, the establishment of factories often led to the growth of small towns in proximity to sources of energy, such as coal mines or waterfalls. The availability of these energy sources was crucial for powering the machines and machinery in factories. As a result, people from rural areas moved to these towns to work in the expanding industrial sector.

Regarding how Realism and Romanticism were both reactions to the Enlightenment, the correct answers are:
- With its encouragement of open expression of feelings, Romanticism was a reaction to the self-control and ultra-rationality of the Enlightenment.
- Realism reflected the central Enlightenment themes of rational analysis and restraint of emotion.

The Enlightenment placed a strong emphasis on reason, rationality, and the scientific method. It sought to analyze and understand the world through logical and systematic thinking, often advocating for a restrained and controlled approach to emotions.

In contrast, Romanticism emerged as a reaction to the perceived excesses of the Enlightenment. It emphasized individual emotion, imagination, and intuition, often celebrating the expression of feelings and passions. Romanticism sought to break free from the strict rationality and self-control promoted by Enlightenment thinkers.

On the other hand, Realism, which developed as a response to Romanticism, embraced many of the Enlightenment's central themes. Realist art and literature aimed to depict the world as it truly was, without idealization or romanticization. It focused on objective observation and rational analysis, aligning with the Enlightenment's emphasis on reason and realism.