I need help with this question: Select one of the six organizing principles of the Constitution and apply it to the Bill of Rights. How is that principle supported or limited in the Bill of Rights

What does your text say about those "organizing principles"? We can't do this assignment for you. It requires YOU to do some thinking. We'll be glad to critique your answer when you have one.

You should not be trying to find answers online. I teach this course and I am very disappointed to see students "fishing" for answers to tests online. YOU need to put in the work. Your grades are a reflection of the effort you put in.

If your not going to answer the persons question and just criticize them why are you posting on there question?


this is no help to the person who posted this and if there teacher is like mine then the teacher may have recommended them to find the answer online and copy it

Federalism and the 10th amendment work together--the 10th Amendment states that if something is not covered by the Constitution and there is no specific federal power, then the power goes to the state. 

Federalism is the principle that government should be divided between a central power and regional powers. In the case of the 10th Amendment, if the central power doesn't have explicit power to do something then the states have the power to do so. 


All hail the cheaters

If a human being over the age of 19 still thinks racking up a bunch of OTHER human minds in a room digital or not and forcing them to learn information that is required by the state to create citizens is still a good idea. Then your students are the most murderous dystopi-ans that ever came from the earth. Its good for us because that just means more digital warfare recruits. Bad for you. The world you where born in died a long time ago. Teachers are just tools used to infect the human nature of people trying to turn them all into products. We know this because we have lived through this thank you for reading please think without the filter you created growing up.

We're not cheating, we are being resourceful 😉

This is why I hate teachers all your concerned about is grades or making us into a product for factory jobs news flash it’s not the 1900s anymore grow up and actually put effort into teaching your kids and making it fun and maybe they won’t come to the internet for help - POWER TO THE CHEATERS

mane wtf you worried teacher school is to program minds and control you liiterally bru its ta keep you trapped and prevents you from critical thinking so if you cheat, got c, d's good yeen gettin lied to and your not in government control