exponents and radicals evaluate:(6.25)3/2

6.25^(1/2) = 2.5

2.5^3 = 15.625

or, using fractions,

6.25 = 25/5

(25/4)^(3/2) = 125/8


5 to the 2nd power + b to the second power = 6.25

To evaluate the expression (6.25)^(3/2), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the exponent (3/2).

The exponent 3/2 means you need to take the square root of the base (6.25) and then raise it to the power of 3. The square root of 6.25 is 2.5, so the expression becomes (2.5)^3.

Step 2: Raise the simplified base to the given power.

Now, you need to raise the simplified base (2.5) to the power of 3. To do this, multiply 2.5 by itself three times: (2.5) * (2.5) * (2.5).

Step 3: Calculate the final result.

Multiply the numbers: 2.5 * 2.5 = 6.25, and then multiply the result by 2.5: 6.25 * 2.5 = 15.625.

So, (6.25)^(3/2) is equal to 15.625.