Please Help me with my Personal Fitness Final Exam!!!! 9th grade CA

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If you want help, please post a couple of the questions that stump you.

which of the following statements is true about protein?

A.the more protein and protein supplements you eat the ore muscle you will gain or maintain.
B.excess protein is stored by the body as fat.
C. excess proteins are stored as amino acids in the muscle tissue.
D. protein is the primary source of energy for the body.

I need the answers now pleas.

Ms Sue stupid Le$bo

Of course! I'd be happy to assist you with your Personal Fitness final exam. Please let me know what specific topics or questions you need help with, and I'll do my best to provide you with the information and guidance you need to succeed on your exam.

In the meantime, here are a few general study tips that might help you prepare for your exam:

1. Review your class notes: Go through your notes from class and make sure you understand the concepts and key information your teacher emphasized. Pay special attention to any topics or terms that have been mentioned multiple times.

2. Use textbooks and study guides: Read the relevant chapters in your textbook or any assigned study guides that you have. Take notes, highlight important points, and try to understand the main ideas presented.

3. Create a study schedule: Plan out your study time in advance by creating a schedule. Allocate specific time slots to different topics or areas you need to review. This can help you stay organized and focused during your study sessions.

4. Practice with past exams or sample questions: If available, obtain past exams or sample questions related to your Personal Fitness course. This can give you an idea of the format and types of questions you might encounter on your final exam. Practice answering them to get familiar with the content and improve your test-taking skills.

5. Seek clarification on difficult concepts: If there are specific concepts or topics you're struggling with, don't hesitate to reach out to your teacher or classmates for clarification. Asking for help can provide further explanation and ensure you have a solid understanding of the material.

Remember, studying effectively requires time, effort, and consistent practice. Break down your studying into manageable chunks, take regular breaks, and try to create a calm and focused study environment. Good luck with your final exam!