anil spent1/4 of his income on food 2/5 donated 1/6 on other expenses if he was left with 10000. find his monthly income

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fraction of income left:

=1- (15/60+24/60+10/60)
=1- (15+24+10)/60
=1- 49/60

Total income/1=money left/(11/60)
Cross multiply,
total income=10000*60/11

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To find Anil's monthly income, we need to add up the portions he spent on food, donated, and other expenses, and then subtract that total from the 10000 he was left with.

Let's calculate step by step:

1. Calculate the portion Anil spent on food: 1/4 of his income.
- Let's assume Anil's income is 'x'.
- The portion spent on food is: (1/4) * x.

2. Calculate the portion Anil donated: 2/5 of his income.
- The portion donated is: (2/5) * x.

3. Calculate the portion Anil spent on other expenses: 1/6 of his income.
- The portion spent on other expenses is: (1/6) * x.

4. To find Anil's monthly income, subtract the total amount spent from 10000:
- Total amount spent = (1/4) * x + (2/5) * x + (1/6) * x.
- Anil's monthly income = 10000 - [(1/4) * x + (2/5) * x + (1/6) * x].

Now we can simplify the equation and solve for 'x':

Common Denominator of the fractions: 20.
- (1/4) * x = (5/20) * x.
- (2/5) * x = (8/20) * x.
- (1/6) * x = (3/20) * x.

Substituting the values back into the equation:
- Anil's monthly income = 10000 - [(5/20) * x + (8/20) * x + (3/20) * x]
- Anil's monthly income = 10000 - [(16/20) * x]
- Anil's monthly income = 10000 - (4/5) * x

As we don't have any additional information, we can't solve for Anil's income. However, using the formula above, you can substitute known values for the amount left and solve for the income.