A user is charged P300 montly for a particular mobile plan, which includes 100 free text messages. Messages in excess of 100 are chared P1 each. Represent the montly cost for text messaging using the functinn t(m), where m is the number of messages sent in a month.

t(m) = 300 for m <= 100

t(m) = 300+(m-100) for m > 100

I think is not better

Globe user is charged P150 monthly for a particular mobile plan, which

includes 200 free text messages. Messages in excess of 200 are charged P2
each Represents the amount a globe user pays each month as a function
of the number of messages g sent in a month

How to solve it

A user is charged P499 montly for a particular mobile plan, which includes 300 free text messages. Messages in excess of 300 are chared P1 each.how much will you pay if you consumed 200 messages in a month?why?

Well, let's do some math, or should I say, "meth"! Just kidding, I meant math.

So, we have a monthly cost of P300, which includes 100 free text messages. That's like finding a hundred-dollar bill on the ground! But I digress.

For any messages sent in excess of the 100 free ones, we need to pay P1 each. It's like buying emojis at the Dollar Store!

Now, let's represent the monthly cost for text messaging using the function t(m), where m is the number of messages sent in a month.

If m is less than or equal to 100, we don't have to pay anything extra, so t(m) = P300. But if m is greater than 100, we need to consider those extra messages.

The cost for the extra messages can be calculated as (m - 100) * P1. It's like paying a dollar for each message as if you're texting the Queen herself!

So, the monthly cost for text messaging can be represented by the function t(m) = P300 + (m - 100) * P1.

Now, go forth and crunch those numbers! Just don't forget to throw in a joke or two to keep things light-hearted. Happy texting!

To represent the monthly cost for text messaging using the function t(m), where m is the number of messages sent in a month, we need to consider two scenarios:

1. Number of messages sent is less than or equal to 100:
In this case, the monthly cost for text messaging will be zero since the user is entitled to 100 free text messages. Therefore, we can represent this scenario using the piecewise function:

t(m) = 0, for m <= 100

2. Number of messages sent is greater than 100:
If the number of messages sent exceeds 100, the user will be charged P1 for each additional message. So, for every message above 100, the cost increases by P1. Therefore, we can represent this scenario using the piecewise function:

t(m) = (m - 100), for m > 100

Combining both scenarios, we can represent the monthly cost function for text messaging as:

t(m) = 0, for m <= 100
t(m) = (m - 100), for m > 100

This function t(m) will give you the monthly cost for text messaging based on the number of messages sent in a month.