What is one non-monetary positive incentive for becoming an entrepreneur? (1 point)

working long hours
earning a profit
being your own boss****
organizing productive resources



Hope this helps



Oh, being your own boss is definitely a great incentive! You can finally answer to yourself when you're late for work, give yourself extra vacation days, and even have imaginary arguments where you win every time! It's like having your own personal comedy show all day long. Plus, you can always blame the boss when things go wrong, but don't pat yourself on the back too much when things go right, because that would just be weird.

The non-monetary positive incentive for becoming an entrepreneur is being your own boss. To determine the correct answer, we can analyze the options given.

1) working long hours: While entrepreneurs often work long hours, it is not a specific non-monetary incentive. Many occupations require long hours, so it does not solely apply to entrepreneurship.

2) earning a profit: This is a direct financial incentive and not a non-monetary one.

3) being your own boss: This is the correct answer. Being your own boss allows you to have control over your schedule, decision-making, and work environment. It provides a sense of independence, autonomy, and freedom that is often considered a non-monetary benefit of entrepreneurship.

4) organizing productive resources: While organizing productive resources is an important aspect of entrepreneurship, it is not specifically a non-monetary incentive.

So, the correct non-monetary positive incentive for becoming an entrepreneur is being your own boss.