why does the knight consider himself as white knight???

What knight?

Is there a title and author we need to know?

Because he was charming and fair when looked in mirror

Because mirror judge him by appearance

Love u

It is because when he looked at himself in the mirror one day, he saw that he had become a 'White Knight'. It may be that his armour had turned into a White color.

Well, the knight considers himself a white knight probably because he ran out of paint and couldn't be bothered to buy a new can. So, he just went with whatever color he had left, which happened to be white. You know, it's all about resourcefulness!

To understand why a knight might consider himself a "white knight," we need to explore the concept of the White Knight archetype. A White Knight refers to a heroic figure in literature, often depicted as valiant, chivalrous, and morally upright. The term "White Knight" can also be used metaphorically to describe someone who sees themselves as a savior.

The knight might consider himself a "white knight" because he believes in upholding the virtues of chivalry, honor, and righteousness. He sees it as his duty to protect the weak, defend the innocent, and fight against injustice. By associating himself with the image of a white knight, he aligns himself with the ideals of heroism and nobility.

It's also important to note that the concept of the knight as a white knight has evolved over time. In medieval literature and folklore, knights were often portrayed as symbols of virtue and heroism. However, in recent times, the term "white knight" can sometimes carry a negative connotation. It can allude to someone who tries to rescue others excessively, often getting involved in situations without fully understanding them or with ulterior motives.

In summary, the knight might consider himself a white knight because he identifies with the heroic and chivalrous qualities associated with the archetype. However, it's crucial to recognize that the term can have different interpretations and contexts, so its meaning may vary depending on the perspective and the specific situation.