1. What is the simplified form of the following expression? 12[6^2/(5^2-4^2)+7]

A. 12.6
B. 195
C. 33.8
D. 132

2. What is the value of xy over z if x= -1, y =10 and z=2?

A. 5
B. -5
C. 1/5
D. -1/5

What are your choices?

My answers:

1. C
2. B


try 1 again

remember ... PEMDAS

soo answer?


To solve the first question, we need to simplify the expression step by step.

1. Evaluate the exponent: 6^2 = 36
2. Evaluate the squares: 5^2 = 25 and 4^2 = 16
3. Subtract the squares: 25 - 16 = 9
4. Divide 36 by 9: 36/9 = 4
5. Add 7: 4 + 7 = 11
6. Multiply by 12: 12 * 11 = 132

Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is 132, so the correct answer is (D) 132.

To solve the second question, substitute the given values into the expression and simplify:

xy/z = (-1 * 10) / 2
= -10 / 2
= -5

Therefore, the value of xy over z is -5, so the correct answer is (B) -5.