Why did Jefferson oppose Hamilton’s plan for creating a national bank? Select all that apply. (2 points)

He argued that Congress did not have the constitutional power to establish it.
He felt that there would be no way to effectively run a national banking system.
He believed that it gave the federal government too much power.
He believed that Americans would protest if it was established.



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To determine why Jefferson opposed Hamilton's plan for creating a national bank, we need to examine the options given and select the correct ones based on historical knowledge.

1. He argued that Congress did not have the constitutional power to establish it.
This is one of the reasons Jefferson opposed Hamilton's plan. Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution, meaning that he believed the federal government should only have the powers explicitly granted to it by the Constitution. Since the power to create a national bank was not explicitly granted in the Constitution, Jefferson argued that Congress did not have the constitutional authority to establish it.

2. He felt that there would be no way to effectively run a national banking system.
This option does not align with Jefferson's specific reasons for opposing Hamilton's plan. While Jefferson did have concerns about the effectiveness and potential abuse of power by the federal government, this exact reason is not mentioned in his arguments against a national bank.

3. He believed that it gave the federal government too much power.
This is another reason Jefferson opposed Hamilton's plan. Jefferson was a strong advocate for states' rights and believed in a decentralized government. He felt that a national bank would concentrate too much power in the hands of the federal government, diminishing the autonomy and power of the individual states.

4. He believed that Americans would protest if it was established.
This option does not align with Jefferson's specific reasons for opposing the national bank. While it is possible that some Americans would have protested its establishment, Jefferson's opposition was rooted in his constitutional and philosophical beliefs, not solely based on the potential for protests.

Thus, the correct answers are:
- He argued that Congress did not have the constitutional power to establish it.
- He believed that it gave the federal government too much power.