write an essay in which you analyze the importance of plot event and characters actions to the development of the story theme. Note that your essay should focus on the theme first and discuss plot and characters in relation to that theme. Review and evaluate a story from the unit that has a clearly identifiable theme. You may choose "The tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe. Be sure to write a clear statement of its theme. In your essay answer the following question:How do various elements of the story - central conflict and resolution, characters' dialogue and behavior - contribute to the story's theme?


You are to analyze how the theme of the story is carried out through the plot and characters, then explain your thoughts in an essay. What, exactly, do you not understand? Be specific and we'll try to help you.

I understand that you're having trouble understanding the task. Let me break it down for you.

1. Choose a story from your unit that has a clear theme. In this case, you may choose "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe.

2. Identify the theme of the story. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," one possible theme could be the consequences of guilt and the effects it has on an individual's mental state.

3. Focus on the theme first. In your essay, start by discussing the theme itself and why it is important. Explore the deeper meaning behind the theme and its relevance to human experiences. You can also draw connections to real-life situations or other literary works.

4. Analyze how various elements of the story contribute to the theme. Look at the central conflict and its resolution. How does the conflict, which revolves around the narrator's guilt and paranoia, develop and highlight the theme? How does the resolution of the conflict reflect the consequences of his actions and the impact on his mental state?

5. Consider the characters' dialogue and behavior. Analyze how these elements contribute to the theme. Look for instances where the characters' actions and words reveal their guilt, paranoia, or deteriorating mental state. Pay attention to specific lines of dialogue or moments of behavior that emphasize the theme.

6. Review and evaluate the story as a whole. Discuss how well the plot events and characters' actions effectively develop the theme. Analyze the choices made by the author, Edgar Allan Poe, and how they contribute to the overall impact of the theme.

Remember to support your claims and analysis with evidence from the story, such as direct quotes or specific examples. This will help strengthen your argument and make your essay more convincing.

In this essay, we will be analyzing the importance of plot events and characters' actions to the development of the theme in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart." The first step is to clearly identify the theme of the story.

Theme: The theme of "The Tell-Tale Heart" revolves around the destructive power of guilt and paranoia.

Now, let's proceed to the body of the essay, focusing on the various elements of the story and how they contribute to the theme.

- Provide a brief overview of the story and its theme.
- Introduce the importance of plot events and characters' actions in relation to the theme.

Body Paragraph 1: Central Conflict and Resolution
- Discuss the central conflict in the story, which revolves around the narrator's guilt and subsequent descent into madness.
- Analyze how this conflict unfolds through plot events such as the narrator's obsession with the old man's "vulture eye," the murder itself, and the narrator's attempt to conceal the crime.
- Explain how the resolution of the conflict, with the narrator confessing his guilt due to his overwhelming paranoia, contributes to the theme of the story.

Body Paragraph 2: Characters' Dialogue
- Analyze the dialogue between the narrator and other characters, such as the old man and the police officers.
- Highlight instances where the narrator's guilt and paranoia are evident in his speech, such as his obsession with the old man's eye and his growing anxiety during the investigation.
- Discuss how the dialogue reveals the protagonist's deteriorating mental state and reinforces the theme of guilt and paranoia.

Body Paragraph 3: Characters' Behavior
- Examine the protagonist's behavior throughout the story, focusing on his meticulous planning, the murder itself, and his subsequent actions.
- Discuss how his actions, driven by guilt and paranoia, intensify the theme.
- Analyze specific descriptions of the protagonist's behavior, such as his hypersensitivity to sound, his distorted perception of time, and his auditory hallucinations of the beating heart, to underscore the theme of guilt and paranoia.

- Recap the main points discussed in the essay, emphasizing the importance of plot events and characters' actions in the development of the theme.
- Reinforce the idea that the central conflict and resolution, as well as the characters' dialogue and behavior, contribute significantly to the theme of guilt and paranoia in "The Tell-Tale Heart."
- Conclude with a strong statement summarizing the impact of these elements on the overall story.

Remember, this is a general guide to help you structure your essay. You can add or modify any of the points based on your analysis and interpretation of the story.