how many whole numbers are between the square root of 8 and the square root of 80?

√8 = 2.8

√80 = 8.9

thank you

I just do not understand

6 integers

Ah, counting whole numbers is like counting buttons on a clown's outfit—a joyous task! Between the square root of 8 and the square root of 80, there are 6 whole numbers waiting to meet you! But remember, if you bring a balloon or a pie, they might multiply!

To find the number of whole numbers between two values, we need to determine the next highest whole number and the next lowest whole number for each value, and then subtract them.

Let's calculate the next highest whole number for the square root of 8:
The square root of 8 is approximately 2.828. The next highest whole number is 3.

Similarly, let's calculate the next highest whole number for the square root of 80:
The square root of 80 is approximately 8.944. The next highest whole number is 9.

Now, calculate the next lowest whole number for the square root of 8:
The next lowest whole number is 2.

Finally, calculate the next lowest whole number for the square root of 80:
The next lowest whole number is 8.

Now we can determine the number of whole numbers between the square root of 8 and the square root of 80:

Number of whole numbers = (Next highest whole number for the square root of 80 + 1) - (Next lowest whole number for the square root of 8)

Number of whole numbers = (9 + 1) - (2)

Number of whole numbers = 10 - 2

Number of whole numbers = 8

Therefore, there are 8 whole numbers between the square root of 8 and the square root of 80.