Visualize a historical scene depicting a 18th century study with numerous documents spread on a mahogany desk. Include an inkwell and quill, and some books signifying law and government. Additionally, there should be symbolic elements symbolizing the states and the federal government such as an unbalanced scale with stars on one side representing the states and an eagle on the other side representing the federal power, illustrating the tension and debate of the time. All of these should be presented in a neutral and thought-provoking fashion to resonate with the question regarding Thomas Jefferson's turn to nullification.

Why did Thomas Jefferson turn to nullification in an effort to right the wrongs of the Alien and Sedation acts?

A. Federalists controlled the courts
B. He had significant influence over states
C. He believed states were meant to control the federal government
D. The states had the same right of judicial view as the Supreme court

I think it is D. Please help me!

I think there is a better answer.



nunyaa ^ is 100% thank you sm !!

Nunyaa is correct. 100%! Thank you

what is the answer

the hell idk

I think it's c

It’s A I had the same question and I got it right it’s 100 percent A

Federalist controlled the courts

Helppppppppp what is it???!?!?!?

yah nunya's right

Its A