Why does Frances make up rules and rituals? (From the Great book "Superstitions")

No idea since I haven't read this.

Make sure you've read the work carefully and re-read the parts where these reasons may have been given. They could be stated or implied.

To understand why Frances makes up rules and rituals, we need to look at the context provided in the book "Superstitions." Here's a step-by-step guide on how to retrieve this information:

1. Start by finding and referring to the book "Superstitions." You can search for it online or check your local library or bookstore.
2. Once you have the book, search for the specific section or chapter that discusses Frances and her rules and rituals. This information should be mentioned in the context of the storyline or characters.
3. Read the relevant passage carefully, paying attention to any descriptions, dialogues, or explanations provided by the author. Look for any insights, motivations, or background information about Frances.
4. Note down any key details or quotes that shed light on why Frances creates these rules and rituals. These may include her beliefs, experiences, superstitious tendencies, or psychological motivations.

By following these steps, you will be able to find the specific reasons behind Frances's behavior and understand why she makes up rules and rituals in the context of the book "Superstitions."