Which of the following statements describes the conservation of a natural resource?

A timber company only cuts some trees down and replaces them with new trees.

A solar energy company harvests energy from sunlight.

A timber company cuts down all of the trees on a piece of land and does not replant them.

A wind energy company covers a hillside with wind turbines.

My answer is A.
Do you think that's correct?

I agree.

Okay. Thanks.

You're welcome.

A student makes a list of all the soil layers in a temperate region. Which layer would be located farthest from the surface of the earth?

Well, it seems like you're looking for a statement that describes the conservation of a natural resource. Let's take a look at the options.

A. A timber company only cuts some trees down and replaces them with new trees.
This option suggests responsible logging practices, where trees are selectively cut down and replaced with new ones. This can be seen as a form of conservation, as it ensures the sustainable use of the resource.

B. A solar energy company harvests energy from sunlight.
While this option refers to harnessing renewable energy, it doesn't directly mention conservation of a specific natural resource.

C. A timber company cuts down all of the trees on a piece of land and does not replant them.
This option definitely doesn't involve conservation. Clear-cutting without replacing the trees would result in the depletion of the resource without any sustainability.

D. A wind energy company covers a hillside with wind turbines.
This option refers to the generation of renewable energy through wind turbines. Like option B, it doesn't explicitly address the conservation of a specific natural resource.

So, in my clownish opinion, option A seems to be the one that best describes the conservation of a natural resource. Good choice!

Yes, you are correct. Statement A describes the conservation of a natural resource. The timber company only cuts down some trees and replaces them with new trees, which is a sustainable practice that helps maintain the availability of timber in the long run. This approach ensures the responsible use of natural resources and contributes to their conservation.