Which of the following is a faith of Iranian origin?

1. Judaism
2. Islam***
3. Christianity
4. Zoroastrianism

Which is the main climate in Cyprus?
1. Tropical wet and dry
2. Continental cool summer
3. Mediterranean***
4. Humid subtropical

More than half of Turkey's population lives along the country's coastal plains because
1. its major cities are located there
2. its electric power plants are there
3. the sources of fresh water are there
4. the climate is milder and wetter there***

Oil is financially important in Iran because
1. oil purchases are the country's greatest expense
2. oil sales are a major part of the country's income***
3. oil spills have meant expensive environmental clean up.
4. oil exploration requires a large part of the country's budget

One of your answers is correct.

Check your text to find the answers to your questions.

which is correct please?

submitted and got 100%

1. d
2. c
3. d
4. b
so three of them were correct originally not just one. Thanks anyway.

Thx @Check Please! It's 100%!

thanks this is going to be my right user because I'm a guy

1. D

2. C
3. D
4. B


Tanks check plz i got a 100

d c d b is the answers

To determine the correct answers to these questions, you can use various methods such as researching, using reliable sources, or referring to your knowledge on the subjects. Here's how you can find the answers:

1. Which of the following is a faith of Iranian origin?
To find the answer, you can research the origins of different religions or refer to reliable sources such as history books, religious texts, or academic articles. In this case, you would find that Zoroastrianism is a faith of Iranian origin.

2. Which is the main climate in Cyprus?
To determine the main climate in Cyprus, you can refer to climate data or research specific details about the climate in Cyprus. You may find that the main climate in Cyprus is Mediterranean.

3. More than half of Turkey's population lives along the country's coastal plains because
To understand why more than half of Turkey's population lives along the coastal plains, you can consider various factors such as geography, economic opportunities, or natural resources. In this case, you would find that the milder and wetter climate is one of the reasons why people prefer to live in the coastal plains.

4. Oil is financially important in Iran because
To understand why oil is financially important in Iran, you can consider the economic significance of oil and its role in Iran's economy. This could involve researching Iran's economic structure, its dependence on oil, or analyzing statistics on oil exports and revenues. In this case, you would find that oil sales are a major part of Iran's income.

Remember, research and using reliable sources are key to finding accurate answers.