"Always to remember" is an essay about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It also includes photographs of the memorial and of Maya Lin. In an essay, explain whether the text and pictures together give you enough information to understand why the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is considered to be a moving monument to the soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. In your essay, use details form "Always to Remember" to explain why the memorial is moving, or describe what additional information might help you better understand the memorials impact.

Miss Sue please help me

first of all ms.sue can't help you write an essay.This place is for direct answers not eassys or writing assignments.

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Please note my name: Ms. Sue.

Title: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: A Moving Tribute to Fallen Soldiers

"Always to Remember" offers a comprehensive exploration of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, providing both textual descriptions and photographs that contribute to understanding why this memorial is considered to be a deeply moving tribute to the soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. Although the text and pictures together provide valuable insights, there is additional information that could enhance our understanding of the memorial's impact.


I. Description of the Text and Pictures:
The essay "Always to Remember" provides a detailed account of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, offering descriptions of its design, purpose, and symbolism. The text recounts how Maya Lin, a young student at the time, submitted the winning design for the memorial through a national competition. The photographs included in the essay portray both the entirety of the memorial and specific close-ups, revealing the names of fallen soldiers etched into the black granite walls.

II. Understanding the Memorial's Impact:
A. Emotional Connection:
The text and photographs in "Always to Remember" successfully evoke an emotional connection with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The text emphasizes the contemplative and immersive experience the memorial offers, with visitors tracing the names of their lost loved ones etched upon the wall. The photographs capture the somber atmosphere, representing the tangible grief and reverence felt by those who visit.

B. Elegance in Simplicity:
The minimalistic design of the memorial, as conveyed through both text and imagery, enhances its impact as a moving monument. The text describes how the memorial's stark black walls carve into the earth, symbolizing a wound that is slowly healing. This representation provokes a powerful reflection on the toll of war and the profound loss suffered by soldiers and their families.

C. Commemoration of Individual Sacrifice:
One aspect that could be further elaborated upon to better understand the memorial's impact is the inclusion of personal stories or testimonials of soldiers and their families. By sharing individual accounts, the reader or viewer would gain a more intimate understanding of the human toll of the Vietnam War and the profound impact of the memorial on those who visit.

III. Additional Information to Enhance Understanding:
While the textual descriptions and photographs in "Always to Remember" offer a solid foundation for comprehending the impact of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, further information could deepen our understanding. This might include interviews with individuals who have visited the memorial, sharing their personal reflections, feelings, and experiences. Additionally, insights into the process of creating the memorial, including the challenges faced by Maya Lin and the significance of her design choices, could offer a richer comprehension of the memorial's emotional resonance.


"Always to Remember" provides a comprehensive account of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial through its descriptive text and accompanying photographs. These elements effectively demonstrate why the memorial is considered a moving monument to the soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. However, additional information, such as personal testimonials and insights into the process of its creation, would further enhance our understanding of the memorial's impact. Despite this, it is clear from the text and photographs that the Vietnam Veterans Memorial evokes a deep emotional connection by elegantly commemorating individual sacrifice and provoking contemplation on the devastating consequences of war.

I'd be happy to help you with your essay! To determine whether the text and pictures in "Always to Remember" give enough information to understand why the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is considered to be a moving monument, we need to analyze the content and consider any gaps in information.

First, let's look at the text. The essay, "Always to Remember," specifically discusses the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. It likely provides details about the design and significance of the memorial. You should examine the essay for any descriptions of the memorial's features, the thought process behind its design, or any personal narratives about soldiers who lost their lives in Vietnam. These details can provide insights into why the memorial holds such emotional significance.

Next, consider the photographs included in the essay. Pay attention to the images of the memorial itself and any pictures of Maya Lin, the designer of the memorial. Look for elements that might evoke powerful emotions, such as the polished black granite walls with engraved names of fallen soldiers or any focal points that create a sense of reverence or remembrance. Additionally, examine the photograph of Maya Lin to see if it provides any insights into the intention or meaning behind her design.

Evaluate whether the text and photographs together offer a comprehensive understanding of why the Vietnam Veterans Memorial is regarded as a moving monument. If additional information may enhance your comprehension, consider what might be missing. For example, if the essay fails to discuss the emotional impact on visitors or the public's response to the memorial, these aspects may require further exploration.

To bolster your essay, use specific details from the text and photographs to support your analysis. Cite any vivid descriptions, anecdotes, or observations that contribute to the memorial's emotional impact. If there are gaps in the information provided, mention what further details or perspectives could help deepen the understanding and appreciation of the memorial's significance.

Remember to structure your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs providing evidence and analysis, and a conclusion that summarizes your findings. Good luck with your essay, and feel free to ask if you need any further assistance!