What daughter product is produced when thallium–206, an isotope of thallium, undergoes beta minus (β–) decay?


hallium-206 decays by beta emission to make the next element to the right in the periodic table (lead-206)

When thallium–206 (Tl-206) undergoes beta minus (β–) decay, it transforms into a different element through the conversion of a neutron into a proton within the nucleus of the atom. In this process, the daughter product produced is lead-206 (Pb-206).

To determine the daughter product produced when thallium–206 undergoes beta minus (β–) decay, you need to understand the process of beta decay and the resulting products.

Beta minus decay, also known as β– decay, involves the decay of a neutron into a proton. In this process, a high-energy electron (also called a beta particle) is emitted from the nucleus, and the atomic number of the parent atom increases by one.

In the case of thallium–206, which has an atomic number of 81, β– decay would result in an increase in the atomic number by one, resulting in an element with an atomic number of 82.

The element with an atomic number of 82 is lead (Pb). Therefore, the daughter product, or the resultant element after β– decay, when thallium–206 undergoes beta minus (β–) decay is lead–206 (Pb–206).