What is the 2011th term of the arithmetic sequence −4, −1, 2, 5, . . . , where each term after the first is 3 more than the preceding term?( remember -4 is the first term of the sequence.)

(I posted this before but it was the wrong answer)

I answered this before

you start with -4

then add 3 , 2010 times

-4 + 6030 is the 2011th term

-4,-1,2,5 there all adding 3

You want to subtract 3 to -4 to find the 0th term

-4-3= -7

So the equation is y=-7+3x

Sub in 2011 for x


To find the 2011th term of an arithmetic sequence, we can use the formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence:

tn = a + (n - 1) * d

tn is the nth term
a is the first term
n is the term number
d is the common difference

In this case, the first term a is -4, and the common difference d is 3.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have:

t2011 = -4 + (2011 - 1) * 3
= -4 + 2010 * 3
= -4 + 6030
= 6026

Therefore, the 2011th term of the arithmetic sequence is 6026.

To find the 2011th term of the arithmetic sequence −4, −1, 2, 5, ..., where each term after the first is 3 more than the preceding term, we need to determine the pattern and then apply it.

In this arithmetic sequence, each term (except the first) is obtained by adding 3 to the previous term. So, the common difference (d) of the sequence is 3.

To find the nth term (Tn) of an arithmetic sequence, we can use the following formula:
Tn = a + (n - 1)d

a = first term
n = position of the term we want to find
d = common difference

In this case, the first term (a) is -4 and the common difference (d) is 3. We want to find the 2011th term, so n = 2011.

Using the formula, we can substitute the given values:
T2011 = -4 + (2011 - 1)3

Simplifying the equation:
T2011 = -4 + 2010 * 3
T2011 = -4 + 6030
T2011 = 6026

Therefore, the 2011th term of the arithmetic sequence is 6026.