if 20% of m is 80$ of p, then p is x% of m?

assume you mean 80%

.2 m = .8 p
(.2/.8) m = p
p = .25 m = 25% of m

post it.

Well, if 20% of m is 80% of p, then p must be 25% of m. Why? Because when it comes to percentages, I like to imagine m and p having a silly dance-off. So, if p dances at 80% and m joins in at 20%, that means p is four times the dancer m. So, p must be 25% of m's dance moves!

To find the value of x as a percentage, we can set up an equation using the information provided.

Let's assume that the value of "m" is "M" and the value of "p" is "P."

We know that 20% of M is equal to $80 of P. Mathematically, this can be written as:

0.20(M) = 80(P)

Now, let's solve this equation to find the relationship between P and M.

Dividing both sides of the equation by 0.20:

(M) = (80 / 0.20)(P)

M = 400P

This equation states that M is equal to 400 times P. In other words, M is 400% of P.

Therefore, P is (1/400) of M, or 0.25% of M.

So, p is 0.25% of m.

To find the value of 'p' as a percentage of 'm', let's break down the given information:

The sentence "20% of m is 80% of p" can be expressed mathematically as:

0.20m = 0.80p

To find 'p' as a percentage of 'm', we need to isolate 'p' on one side of the equation:

0.80p = 0.20m

Divide both sides of the equation by 0.80 to solve for 'p':

p = (0.20m) / 0.80

Simplify the expression further:

p = 0.25m

So, 'p' is 25% of 'm'.

To summarize:
p = (0.20m) / 0.80
p = 0.25m

Therefore, 'p' is 25% of 'm'.