The areas of three flats a b and c are in the ratio 5:6:8 respectively. If the difference in the area of flat c and flat a is 270 square metres, what is the area of flat b in square metres?

let the areas of the flats be 5x , 6x, and 8x for a, b, c respectively

Now use your given data:
"the difference in the area of flat c and flat a is 270 square metres"
----> 8x - 5x = 720

solve for x, and sub into my definitions

Answer samajh nahi aa raha hai

So as she said 8x-5x=720...steps after that are

8x-5x=720 (8x-5x=3x)
X= 720/3=240
Therefore Area of flat B = 240×6 square metre
=1440 square metre

Sorry I did a mistake in my previous comments. It's not 720. It's 270. Other than that, every other steps are correct. As I have shown, follow the steps and just put 270 in place of 720

To find the area of flat b, we first need to calculate the areas of flats a and c.

Let's denote the areas of flats a, b, and c as A, B, and C respectively.

Given that the ratio of the areas of flats a, b, and c is 5:6:8, we can set up the following equation:

A:B:C = 5:6:8

We can write this as:

A/B = 5/6 (Equation 1)

B/C = 6/8 (Equation 2)

Given that the difference in the area of flat c and flat a is 270 square meters, we can set up the following equation:

C - A = 270

From Equation 1, we can rewrite the equation as:

A = (5/6)B

Substituting this into the equation C - A = 270, we get:

C - (5/6)B = 270

Now, let's rearrange Equation 2 to express B in terms of C:

B = (6/8)C

Substituting this into the equation C - (5/6)B = 270, we have:

C - (5/6)(6/8)C = 270

Simplifying this equation, we get:

C - (5/8)C = 270

(8/8)C - (5/8)C = 270

(3/8)C = 270

Now we can solve for C:

C = (270 * 8) / 3 = 720 square meters

Since B/C = 6/8, we can substitute the value of C we found into this equation to solve for B:

B = (6/8) * 720 = 540 square meters

Therefore, the area of flat b is 540 square meters.