which of the following citations in a works cited page uses proper MLA style?

A paul smith the night on the river New york penguin 1987 print.
B the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print.
C smith paul the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print
D smith paul the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print

NOTE:the night on the river is in italics and on c it has " and my answer is A.

3. witch of the following are examples of faulty reasoning select all that apply

A. supporting details

B. overgeneralization

C. conclusions


E. Personal bias

NOTE: there are TWO ANWERS reqired to this question please help my two answers are b and E please check thank you:-)

You haven't indicated what YOU THINK each answer is.

And I'll also tell you right now that NONE of the answers for the first question is correct -- not one. Do you see why?

not really and what do you mean i have not indicated what my answer is?

if you were reading the NOTE: section of my question you would have saw where i have giving you my answer's for both questions

I see your answers now. I agree with your choices for the second question.

Now what will you do about that first one? None of the answer choices you've posted is correct.

Sample MLA Works Cited page:

What's the difference between C and D in question 1?



Number 3 is actually B and E Anonymous

that moment you can't trust anyone


1. A,C,D
2. D
3. B,E

To determine which citation in the works cited page uses proper MLA style, we can refer to the MLA Formatting and Style Guide. According to MLA guidelines, the correct format for a book in a works cited page is as follows:

Author's Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. City of Publication, Publisher, Year of Publication. Print.

Now let's analyze the provided options:

A. paul smith the night on the river New york penguin 1987 print.

This option does not follow the correct format as it does not separate the author's last name and first name, and it does not capitalize the title. Also, "New york penguin" should be capitalized, and there should be a comma after the city of publication.

B. the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print.

This option does not include the author's name and does not follow the correct capitalization rules.

C. smith paul the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print.

This option includes the author's last name and first name but does not capitalize the title. Also, "New york penguins" should be capitalized, and there should be a comma after the city of publication.

D. smith paul the night on the river new york penguins 1987 print.

This option includes the author's last name and first name but does not capitalize the title. Also, "New york penguins" should be capitalized, and there should be a comma after the city of publication.

Based on the analysis, none of the provided options use proper MLA style. It is recommended to format the citation in the following way:

Smith, Paul. The Night on the River. New York: Penguins, 1987. Print.

Moving on to the next question, which asks about examples of faulty reasoning:

A. Supporting details: This is not an example of faulty reasoning. Supporting details provide evidence or justification for a claim.

B. Overgeneralization: This is indeed an example of faulty reasoning, as it involves making a broad generalization based on insufficient evidence or a limited sample.

C. Conclusions: This is not an example of faulty reasoning. Conclusions are logical deductions based on evidence or premises.

D. Inferences: This is not an example of faulty reasoning. Inferences are logical conclusions drawn from evidence or premises.

E. Personal bias: This is indeed an example of faulty reasoning, as personal bias can introduce prejudice or prejudgment into the reasoning process.

Based on the analysis, the correct answers for examples of faulty reasoning are "B. Overgeneralization" and "E. Personal bias."