The distance between Milltown and Summerville is 3.5 inches on a map. If the map scale is 1 inch = 20 miles, what is the actual distance between the towns?

So 3.5*20=70.

If it's 70 then it's in miles?

My answer to the quiz was:

The actual distance between Milltown and Summerville is 70 miles. I got 70 miles by multiplying. 3,5x20=70. So the accurate distance would be 70 miles.

Yes, 70 miles between the two towns.

ok thanks, just checking

You're welcome.

70 miles

no its 20 x 3.5 so it is 70

Thank you florida connexues if u are ARMY BTS I PURPLE YOU ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ

I know you already pass cause you did that in 2018 and we are now in 2020 but thanks for giving out answers its helping thanks.

Hello everyone on this website I love this web site a lot beside the point if you use the answers on here you need to put them in your own words so you donโ€™t commit plagiarism and you might want to try it yourself after you get the answer so that you learned something and for the fact you need to know the actual way to do it after you take the test with that being said I LOVE THIS WEBSITE