An airplane traveled 1,991.25 kilometers at an average speed of 885 kilometers per hour. How long did it take for the airplane to travel this distance?

1,991.25/885 =




2 hours and 15 minutes

its 2hrs and 15 mins

It is 2 and15

2 hours 15 min.

How did come to the conclusion of 2hr.,15min? What formula was used?

To find out how long it took for the airplane to travel the given distance, we can use the formula: Time = Distance / Speed.

In this case, the distance is 1,991.25 kilometers, and the speed is 885 kilometers per hour. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Time = 1,991.25 km / 885 km/h

To simplify the unit of distance and convert it to hours, we divide the distance by the speed:

Time = (1,991.25 / 885) hours

Calculating this division, we find:

Time ≈ 2.25 hours

Therefore, it took approximately 2.25 hours for the airplane to travel the distance of 1,991.25 kilometers.