a 10ft ladder is resting against the wall. the ladder touches the ground 6ft away from the wall. what angle, rounded to the nearest tenth, id the bottom of the ladder making with the ground

The correct answer is 53.1 degrees
Can someone explain how to get this?

You have a right triangle

cos A = adjacent/hypotenuse
and 53.1 is correct

CosA = X/r = 6/10 = 0.6.

A = 53.1o.

Thank you

You are welcome.

1. D -15/Sqrt346

2. A 20.0 ft
3. B. 19.5324
4. C. 53.1
5. A 22.6
6. C 53.1
7. B 30,60,90
8. B -70
9. B 43pi/36
10. C 855

Sure, I'd be happy to explain how to get the correct answer! To find the angle the ladder makes with the ground, you can use the trigonometric function tangent (tan). The tangent of an angle is equal to the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle.

In this case, the ladder is the hypotenuse of a right triangle, and the wall and the ground form the other two sides. The side opposite the angle we want to find is the height of the wall, which is 10ft, and the side adjacent to the angle is the distance the ladder touches the ground, which is 6ft.

The formula to find the angle using tangent is:

angle = tan^(-1) (opposite/adjacent)

Plugging in the values, we get:

angle = tan^(-1) (10/6)

Using a calculator, this will give you approximately 57.99 degrees. If we round to the nearest tenth, as requested, the angle is 58.0 degrees.

So the correct answer is 58.0 degrees, not 53.1 degrees. Apologies for the confusion!

To find the angle, we can use basic trigonometry. In this scenario, the ladder forms a right-angled triangle with the wall and the ground. The ladder acts as the hypotenuse of the triangle, and the distance between the wall and the point where the ladder touches the ground acts as one of the triangle's legs.

We are given that the ladder is 10ft long and touches the ground 6ft away from the wall. Now, we can use the tangent function to determine the angle.

The tangent of an angle is equal to the length of the side opposite the angle divided by the length of the side adjacent to the angle. In this case, the angle we want to find is between the ground and the ladder, so the adjacent side is the distance between the wall and the point where the ladder touches the ground (6ft), and the opposite side is the ladder itself (10ft).

Using the formula for tangent:

tan(angle) = opposite/adjacent
tan(angle) = 10ft/6ft
tan(angle) = 1.6667

To find the angle, we need to take the inverse tangent (or arctan) of 1.6667 using a calculator:

angle ≈ arctan(1.6667) ≈ 57.27 degrees

Therefore, the angle, rounded to the nearest tenth, is approximately 57.3 degrees, not 53.1 degrees.

If the given answer is indeed 53.1 degrees, then there may have been additional information or a different method used to calculate the angle. It is worth checking the given information or instructions again to make sure there are no discrepancies.