The ratio of the cost of a tennis racket to tennis balls is 18:1. If a can of balls cost $5.35, what is the cost of the racket?

Does the ratio show the cost of one ball or a can of balls?

It's the ratio of a can.


18:1 = x/5.35

x = 96.3




To find the cost of the racket, we need to determine the value of one unit in the ratio. In this case, the ratio of the cost of the racket to the tennis balls is 18:1.

To find the value of one unit, we divide the cost of the balls by the corresponding number in the ratio, which is 1.

So, we divide $5.35 by 1, which equals $5.35. This means that one unit in the ratio is equal to $5.35.

Since the ratio is 18:1, we can determine the cost of the racket by multiplying the value of one unit by 18.

Therefore, the cost of the racket is $5.35 multiplied by 18, which equals $96.30.