Write two possible interpretations of this sentence:

Fish makes best sandwiches !

I think you mean "Fish makes the best sandwiches."

It could mean that fish sandwiches (sandwiches made with fish) are the best.
It could also mean that someone named Fish makes the best sandwiches.

Best answers ever. Oh yeah

1. Interpretation 1 - Fish is the best ingredient to use when making sandwiches.

This interpretation suggests that fish is a superior choice when it comes to making sandwiches. It implies that sandwiches with fish as the main component are delicious and highly recommended.

2. Interpretation 2 - Fish is known for being a key ingredient in making excellent sandwiches.

This interpretation suggests that fish is often used as an essential component in creating outstanding sandwiches. It implies that fish plays a significant role in enhancing the overall taste and quality of sandwiches.

1. One possible interpretation of the sentence "Fish makes best sandwiches!" is that fish is the best ingredient to use when making sandwiches. This interpretation suggests that fish has qualities and flavors that make it an ideal choice for constructing delicious sandwiches.

2. Another possible interpretation of the sentence is that fish itself can create amazing sandwiches. In this context, "makes" refers to the ability of fish to transform into a sandwich, perhaps through cooking or preparation techniques. This interpretation emphasizes the versatility and potential of fish as a key component in sandwich-making.