how did the mayflower compact set a precedent for democratic government in North America?

A) the mayflower compact recognize in a stab Lish that people had the power to govern.
B) The Mayflower compact set up a religious monarchy with loyalty to King George.
C) The people agreed to elect representatives who would make laws for the greater good.
D) The Mayflower compact set up just an equal laws agreed-upon by the pilgrims.

My answer is D. Would this be a correct answer?

What does this mean? ~~> "just an equal laws"

A makes no sense.
B is obviously not true; they left Europe to escape monarchies!

Read this carefully to decide between C and D -- --- or go back and read your text.

Thank you

Let us know what you decide!

A)the mayflower compact Recognized and established that people had the power to govern

That was what it said ^^^

Yes, A.

so is it D or A ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

The correct answer is B!!

I took the test, I put in A, but i got it wrong. I clicked to see what the right answer was, and the right answer is B.


No, D is not the correct answer. The correct answer would be option A, "The Mayflower Compact recognized in a stab lish that people had the power to govern."

The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower in 1620. It established a form of self-government for the Plymouth Colony. The document stated that the settlers would form a "civil body politic" and make decisions by the consent and agreement of the majority.

By recognizing that people had the power to govern themselves, the Mayflower Compact set a precedent for democratic government in North America. It introduced the concept of self-government and the idea that laws and decisions should be made with the consent of the governed. This idea of popular sovereignty laid the foundation for the development of democratic principles and institutions in North America.