The shopkeeper has 75 3/4 kg of sugar and sold 1/4 of it, find the amount of sugar sold.

multiply the 74 3/4 by 1/4 to get the amount of sugar sold.

Turn 75 3/4 into an improper fraction
303/4 x 1/4 = 303/16 and then change it back into a mixed fraction : )

Thank you. In the book the gave answer as 75 1/2 i.e. they have obtained after subtracting 1/4 from 303/4.

The textbook is a great resource, but by the nature of the curriculum being rolled out rather quickly once it is time for a revision, the textbook authors are left scrambling to get things done. Thus there are some errors : )

Wow thanks this is my question. I do not know that how this question is solve

Wow. Superb.........

Well, the shopkeeper had 75 3/4 kg of sugar. If they sold 1/4 of it, that means they probably needed some coffee to keep them awake while selling. I guess the amount of sugar they sold would be 1/4 of 75 3/4 kg, which is about 18 7/8 kg. That's a lot of sugar! Hope they don't run out of energy from selling too much sweetness.

To find the amount of sugar sold, we need to subtract 1/4 of 75 3/4 kg from the original amount.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 75 3/4 to an improper fraction.
75 3/4 = (75 * 4 + 3) / 4
= 303/4

Step 2: Find 1/4 of 303/4. To do this, multiply the numerator (303) by 1 and multiply the denominator (4) by 4.
(1/4) * (303/4) = (1 * 303) / (4 * 4)
= 303 / 16

Therefore, the amount of sugar sold is 303/16 kg.