ms. sue, i really need help with this question i dont understand it

For all real numbers b and c such that the product of c and 3 is b, which of the following expressions represents the sum of c and 3 In terms of b
A. b+3
B. 3b+3
C. 3(b+3)
D. B+3/3
E. b/3+3

please help ms. sue

Do you have an answer you would like checked?

b = 3c so c=b/3
and they want c + 3 and we said c=b/3 so...

no, i need help understanding the question

please can someone help me?

Sure, I'd be happy to help you with this question! Let's break it down step by step.

The question is asking for the sum of c and 3 in terms of b. In other words, we need to find an expression that represents c + 3 using b.

The given information tells us that the product of c and 3 is b. So, we can write this as:

3c = b

Now, we want to find an expression for c + 3.

To get c alone, we divide both sides of the equation by 3:

c = b/3

Now, we can substitute this value of c in the expression c + 3:

c + 3 = (b/3) + 3

Simplifying further:

c + 3 = b/3 + 3

Now, let's compare this expression with the answer choices:

A. b + 3: This answer choice does not have b/3, so it is not correct.
B. 3b + 3: This answer choice does not have b/3, so it is not correct.
C. 3(b + 3): This answer choice correctly represents c + 3 = (b/3) + 3. This is the correct answer.
D. B + 3/3: This answer choice does not have b/3, so it is not correct.
E. b/3 + 3: This answer choice correctly represents c + 3 = (b/3) + 3.

Therefore, the correct answer is either C. 3(b + 3) or E. b/3 + 3.

I hope this explanation helps you understand the question better! Let me know if you have any further questions.