8.Which of the following best describes changes in the population of Washington over the last 200


Cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration.
A.The Native American population has not changed locations.
B.Immigration from Pacific Rim countries has decreased due to a lack of C.work.
D.African Americans arrived in the state as slaves but left for free states.

9. In 2010, Hispanics made up 7 percent of the state population. In 2014, that number had risen to 12
percent. What conclusion does the data support?

A.Ethnic diversity in rural areas is the same as in cities.
B.Immigration from Latin America is expected to decline.
C.Mexican immigrants make up the largest immigrant group in the state.
D.Immigration to the state continues to affect the state’s population.

10. How are Native Americans from Washington such as Sherman Alexie expressing cultural pride

A.through advocating for the end of reservations and the relocation of Native Americans to cities.
B.through the adoption of English in place of traditional languages
C.through books and films reflecting Native American culture today intended for mainstream audiences.
D.through ghost dances and reliance upon medicine men and shamans

11. Which of the following events had the most impact on empowering Native American communities in
A.Kent State University shooting
B.lunch counter sit-ins
C.March on Washington
D.occupation of Alcatraz

my answers (A) (D) (C) (D)

8. I think you've mislettered the answers.

I agree with your other answers.

A.Cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration.

B.The Native American population has not changed locations.
C..Immigration from Pacific Rim countries has decreased due to a lack of C.work.
D.African Americans arrived in the state as slaves but left for free states.

my answer is A for number 8 i fixed it

Yes. It's right now.

thank you so muchhhhh!!!!!!

You are very welcome. :-)

What where is the answer for the actual question

12) which two industries experienced the greatest restaurant World War II? Select all that apply


13) which issue affected the timber industry in washington during the 1900s?
sustainability and boom and bust cycles
decreased regulation and demand
increased demand and supply
no real improvement in technology

14) what washington industries have experienced the most growth in recent decades because of technological innovation? Like that all black
coal mining
Video games
computer software
fish hatcheries
food canning
genetic engineering
grape farming
lumber milling
online retail


Are these right bot

I'm sorry, I do not see any previous answers or questions from you about these questions. Could you please provide the questions and options so that I can assist you with the correct answers?

To determine the correct answers to these questions, let's break them down and explain how to get the answer for each question:

8. Which of the following best describes changes in the population of Washington over the last 200 years?
To answer this question, we need to analyze the given options and identify the one that accurately describes the changes in the population of Washington over the last 200 years. Option A, which states that cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration, is indeed a correct statement. Native American population has changed, and there has been immigration and migration, leading to increased cultural diversity.

Answer: A. Cultural diversity has increased due to migration and immigration.

9. In 2010, Hispanics made up 7 percent of the state population. In 2014, that number had risen to 12 percent. What conclusion does the data support?
To determine the conclusion drawn from this data, we need to analyze the options and select the one that accurately reflects the trend. Option D, which states that immigration to the state continues to affect the state's population, is the correct answer. The increase in the percentage of Hispanics indicates that there is ongoing immigration, thus affecting the state's population.

Answer: D. Immigration to the state continues to affect the state's population.

10. How are Native Americans from Washington such as Sherman Alexie expressing cultural pride today?
To find the answer to this question, we have to review the options and choose the one that accurately reflects how Native Americans are expressing cultural pride. Option C, which states that they express cultural pride through books and films reflecting Native American culture today intended for mainstream audiences, is the correct answer. Sherman Alexie, for example, is a well-known Native American writer who has written books reflecting Native American culture for mainstream audiences.

Answer: C. Through books and films reflecting Native American culture today intended for mainstream audiences.

11. Which of the following events had the most impact on empowering Native American communities in Washington?
To determine the event that had the most impact on empowering Native American communities in Washington, we need to assess the options and choose the one that had significant consequences. Option D, which states the occupation of Alcatraz, is the correct answer. The occupation of Alcatraz in 1969 by Native American activists drew attention to the issues faced by Native American communities and helped spark a movement for greater empowerment and recognition of their rights.

Answer: D. Occupation of Alcatraz.