Which best analyzes criticisms of the New Deal?

The New Deal was widely condemned for decreasing the power of the United States Supreme Court.
The New Deal was denounced for increasing the national debt and reach of the federal government.
The New Deal was seen as promoting American dependency on the federal government.
The New Deal was criticized for increasing the size and the scope of local government.

It could be B or C. What does your text say?

It's D, I got this answer from my teacher so it's probably right

Yes, option C best analyzes criticisms of the New Deal, as it states that the New Deal was seen as promoting American dependency on the federal government.

To arrive at this answer, one could analyze the given options and evaluate which option presents a comprehensive criticism of the New Deal. Option C stands out as it highlights a key concern raised by critics of the New Deal – that it fostered a culture of dependency on the federal government. This criticism suggests that the New Deal may have undermined individual initiative and created reliance on government support.

However, it is important to note that the New Deal also had its share of supporters who praised its efforts to address the economic crisis of the time. Understanding both sides of the argument is crucial to gaining a holistic understanding of the New Deal and its impact.